"Act less human"
Oct 11, 2022
"In a hybrid world, leaders need help being human"
This was a headline in Gartners Quarterly report just released.
It is written very academically - in the standard rational, business style (with data and graphs) - which I find very ironic given the topic.
I like Gartner. I think they have some great insights. But currently there is so much "drama" out there regarding hybrid, that I fear we are in danger of missing the point. The challenge and opportunity is how do we connect as humans - consistently. Across any touchpoint.
It's like in the early days of digital - where everyone was obsessed with social. Fast forward, and now we see this is just one part of digital eco-system.
So - if you are looking for 3 principles to be consistently more human - whether it is in person, on video, or on the old fashioned phone (this is making a comeback in my world) then these may help!
1. Be yourself. More
Every leader has different strengths and experiences. Unique traits. Individual quirks. The days of conforming to a sterotype are (mostly) gone. So be proud to be you. Be more of you. Don't keep it in - but let it out.
This gives other people permission to be them.
2. Connect with the person - beyond the work.
Always looks for what is happening behind the work. How are they feeling? What else may be going on? What is their energy. Are they showing signs of frustration or demotivation? Or are they excited and thriving?
If you ask a simple question such as "what energy are you feeling today? I ask this because I feel ....." then people will connect and share back. They will know that you care about them, not just the deadlines you need to deliver.
3. Become better together
No-one has all the answers. Mostly with good intentions we get it right, occasionally we get it wrong. So share and appreciate both, but with a view of promoting learning. Ask questions. Be open. Learn and improve. Celebrate success. Gain insight through feedback. Become better together.
People want to add value and be valued. Learning together is a powerful way to do this.
Leaders don't need help being human. They are human.
The corporate world has now realised how powerful this is. So its time to wipe away the filters which have made us "act less human" in the workplace in the past.