May 25, 2023
Change can be really overwhelming. Especially when there is a lot of it, and it's unwanted!
It's like water dripping into a bucket. It's not much at a time. But cumulatively, the bucket fills up fast - and then starts to overflow.
It's not one thing. It's the accumulation of many things. Which can all happen simultaneously. It could be:
- the work project you have been leading for 6 months is cancelled (drip)
- someone in your family is sick, and suddenly there are multiple Dr appointments (drip)
- interest rates go up again (drip drip)
- there is a restructure at work and your job is impacted (drip drip drip!)
These are all changes which add stress. They are not changes that we choose. They are mostly out of our control. We can only react or respond.
They take extra resources and our energy, and reduce the space we have for the life-improving change we want.
There is a different type of change though. A change that brings growth and joy. The change that we create, and choose
Rather than a drip, this change creates a deeper well within us. One which expands our capacity for change and growth.
This includes things like
- Challenging yourself - to do something you've never done before (moving outside of your comfort zone)
- creating a wellness practice that brings you more energy and joy every day
- taking up a new hobby - just because it's fun! (and you can)
Recently I was in Queenstown and had the chance to go ziplining. The first zipline was between 2 mountains with the gully hundreds of metres below. This was really nerve wracking - especially as I hate heights. But it was also beautiful, and something that I wanted to do. So I took a deep breath, swung out across the mountain and just did it. After that first zipline was done - I relaxed and truly enjoyed the beauty of the next seven ziplines! It was exhilarating!
I expanded.
Change is happening all the time, and is something we need to manage as part of everyday life.
By balancing the change that happens with the change that we choose, then we can better cope with the ups and downs.
I actually have my own formula:
Change capacity = change we choose (divided by) change we don't.
When the answer is > 1, then we feel we are flourishing.
When it is <1, then we feel it's overwhelming.
Another way to say it is:
>1 feels like swimming.
<1 feels like drowning.
So next time when you are feeling overwhelmed, don't double down on the things you can't control (which is our normal human reaction). Try expanding by creating the change that you choose.
Balance it out.
Find the positives and benefits.
Experience growth (the upside of change)