Sep 23, 2022
Why is it when we are ready for something new - we hold tightly to what we already have?
It’s because we don’t want to risk losing what we already have. Even if it’s no longer serving us.
I have literally had hundreds of mentoring sessions around why people aren’t happy doing what they are doing.
Sometimes it’s because they have worked hard to get to this point - and they don’t want it to be a waste.
Sometimes it’s because they don’t want to look silly or lose face with their peers.
Sometimes it’s because they feel too old and think it’s too late.
Mostly they are scared that they won’t find something better.
The truth?
It’s never too late. There are greater things out there.
But you need to explore / find / unlock / create them.
There is a reason it’s called a cross road. The choice is turn right. Or turn left.
There is no middle road.
The thing that makes it easier?
Remember that the road you are on is not going where you want.
So be brave and commit. Take the different road. Don’t look back.
Don’t let fear of losing what you no longer want - stop you. That is the only true loss.