
personal growth Sep 12, 2023

"Comparisonitis" is everywhere.

It's in schools. It's in the workplace. It's overtly in social media. And it's part of our lives.

It's one of the leading causes of anxiety and burnout - as the unwritten truth of comparisonitis is "do better, and you will be better".

And yet, every person is unique. Every person is literally "incomparable." Your essence is not what you do - its who you are.

Essence is the personality, talents and unique combination of gifts that you see shining through 18-month-old toddlers.

It's the part of people that you love when you are just relaxed and being. Not doing. Not comparing.

Which is why I think it's so important to know yourself, and your unique essence. To know you are enough. To know you are so much more than your "comparable" achievements.

Because the delicate point precariously balancing between the two is what you believe, or your self-worth.

And that's worth everything.