Dad's Life Story

personal growth Aug 10, 2023

One of the joys in my life currently is learning about my Dads life story.

He is 81, and while I hope he is around for another decade, I know he may not be. And though I've been part of his life for my whole life, there is so much I still don't know about him - especially when he was younger.

It's also very different hearing his story through my 50-year-old eyes, and as a parent myself.

So about 2 months ago after we were just chatting one day, I suggested we record a video life story - which we both got really excited about!

Every week or so, we spend an hour on zoom, recording a different chapter of his life. We both have a coffee, he talks, I ask questions and it's incredible how much richness there is.

Today we covered his 20's - getting a job and early married life. It was fascinating to hear about his role as a 23 year old manager - overseeing a typing pool of women (only men were allowed to be managers), then onto the acquisition of Streets ice cream by Unilever (and the discovery of rare ice-cream flavours) to buying their first house.

I love hearing his life story and how it shaped him. And learning how he became the Dad I know and love.

If you have an aging parent or relative, then I can't recommend enough the joy of capturing their life story. For them, and for you.

Whether it's taking an audio recording, videoing on your phone or over zoom like I did, technology today makes it effortless, and I guarantee you will discover things that you never knew.

I know it will be something I not only treasure now - but forever.
I love my Dad.