
people growth Aug 15, 2023

I recently saw Elvis - the movie / life story.

It's always fascinating to understand the personal story of legends: their roots - where they grew up, what influenced them, how they got their first break, what were some of the challenges they faced along the way.

Elvis was truly original. Even now - there is no one really like him (although there are literally thousands of impersonators roaming the planet - as they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!)

Like many famous legends though, he came to such a tragic ending. He died at the "love me tender" age of only 42, his heart attack directly caused by a desperate addiction to drugs. He died looking like a shadow of his healthy self just five years earlier.

Life happens to everyone. Even the richest, most talented person in the world like Elvis - can spiral. As the spiral takes us deeper, we make bad decisions, we get stuck, we make more bad decisions to forget....

The longer we stay stuck, the harder it is to climb out.

Which is why I wrote my book Uncomfortable Growth, and created the Own Your Reinvention program. I've been in spirals - as have all of us. When you are deep in the spiral - it can devour you.

But there is often a place before the bottom of the spiral, when we can still help ourselves. When we can listen to our subconscious, sort through our feelings and fears, and choose a different way forward.

That's what Uncomfortable Growth is about.

It's hard work (I'm not going to pretend it isn't), but it's much easier when there is a process, tools, and people around you - doing the hard work next to you.

The structure brings focus, the self-reflection brings new perspective, and the support of others - comfort that you are not alone, and that your feelings are not stupid. That your challenges are tough and real - but that you can also make decisions and choices that can turn your down spiral into an up.