Essence behind work

business growth Oct 06, 2022

What is the difference between work you like, and work you love?

This is a question I ask my coaching clients, and we figure it out together.

But I want everyone to figure out what is the work they love. That makes each person jump out of bed every morning, energised by the day ahead.

You know when you find it - because it doesn't feel like work at all.

The only person who can answer this though - is you.

So how do you do this?

You need to find the essence of what you love. That's the piece that you hold tightly and amplify - while letting all the other parts go.

The answer lies in your experiences.

To demonstrate, here is a very abridged version of mine.

The first job I had at the age of 15 was working at the local pharmacy. It was minimal wage, but I enjoyed helping people find what they need.

At university, I "fell into" a love letter-writing business. It started out by helping a friend, who told another friend...and it suddenly grew. I loved helping people overcome their fears of asking someone out. Through my letters. And it worked more often than not!

My first post university "proper job" was at Procter & Gamble in marketing. I loved the psychology behind understanding consumer needs, building brands, and building a business.

Then came the fascination of managing people. At first a few, but then large teams. What motivated one person, did not necessarily work for another. And then when you add everyone together - it became a melting pot of diverse talents, personalities, and opinions!

I then moved internationally and into global roles. Different cultures, different business models, different expectations. People used the same words, but they had a different context and meaning. We were literally like Mars and Venus. I found it fascinating that connection, influence and impact required an altered rule book.

Then I moved out of corporate and created my own business. Now I was 'the brand". I had to get people to buy me (nerve-wracking!) I also became an author. Distilling all the various things I knew into 50,000 words that others would possibly find valuable is hard.
But that ability to be open and honest is also what creates meaning, and connection.

So that brings us to today. So what is the "essence" behind work I love (versus work I like?)

It's the psychology behind growth. How do you make sense of the puzzle pieces - to make growth happen. With consumers. With people. With businesses. Within myself.

When I look back - the clues were always there. I just couldn't tease apart what was the work, and what was the part I loved.

What is the essence behind work YOU love?