Everybody needs an "Andrew"

people growth Jul 18, 2023

I loved watching WHAM! the movie last weekend on Netflix.

WHAM! was one of my all time FAV BANDS growing up - they burst onto the scene when I was a teenager and I loved their pop music, energy and sense of fun - be it the music, the lyrics or just the way they dressed and always looked like they were having a blast!

2 besties just taking the world by storm!

I also remember all of the controversy over Michael being the star and Andrew Ridgeley being "lucky" as he was not as talented. Many called him the "backup singer".

But seeing the movie - I have such a newfound respect for Andrew.

He was the energy behind getting started. If it wasn't for him just taking the plunge and dragging Michael along - Michael probably would have succumbed to the pressure to be a Dr as his father wanted.

He was never jealous of Michael. In fact - he was happy that Michael was discovering how talented he was. He didn't try to undermine Michael or justify his own talent - he gave him space to explore and become more.

He always supported Michael as a friend - even when WHAM! was finished. He wanted the best for his friend. Full stop. He was not jealous or bitter. He was happy for what they had, and excited about what Michael could become as an artist on his own.

Everybody needs an "Andrew", but they are not always easy to come by.

They are the people who bring out the best in others and are genuinely happy when the people they supported find greater success (in the worldly sense) than their own. And they continue to give (even when their paths separate) because they genuinely want the best for the other person.

Do you have an "Andrew Ridgeley" in your past? Are they still in your life? What would your life be like today - if not for them?