Uncomfortable Growth comes from experiences

personal growth Oct 26, 2023

Uncomfortable Growth comes from experiences.

Some experiences we choose. Some experiences choose us.

Growth we choose comes from being on the edge of our stretch zone. It’s uncomfortable - because we don’t know what this experience will bring. 

Will it be positive? 
Will it be painful? 
Will it be amazing?
Will it be embarrassing?

But when we commit to the experience and and seeing what could happen (regardless of it being uncomfortable, regardless of the downside) something magical happens. 

We shift from uncertainty to being, as our attention refocuses on what is happening. 

The reality. The adrenaline shot. 

Some people shift into flow. We become engaged, immersed and alive as we experience the reality, rather than the theoretical fear of what could happen. 

We know more, we have expanded and learnt (whether it was positive or negative). We also have new data on what is possible for us next. 

Last week in Fiji - I did my first-ever double-story backflip.

I’ve been doing backflips into swimming pools since I was a kid.  I’ve done a few backflips from a slightly elevated platform, but never from a second story. 

I was really nervous - my brain and body was screaming no - but I wanted to try it. It could be very embarrassing (and possibly painful) but when was the next time I would get this chance? 

So I just jumped. I stopped thinking and just did it. 

AND LOVED IT! The adrenaline. The thrill. The knowledge that I can backflip from the second story. It was so exhilarating and rewarding.

And I was proud of myself - for doing something that I have never done before. Perhaps one day I will take up adult diving (50 years young!)

Uncomfortable Growth is not about massive moments. It's about operating at the edges of YOUR stretch zone. Learning and expanding just that bit more.

Because you can. 

It not only brings joy, it builds belief in yourself. If I can do this, what else could I do? It makes possibility - possible. 

What's at the edge of your stretch zone? What are you uncomfortably excited about?