Are you part of Gen X?
Sep 30, 2022
I'm part of Gen X. Like my Gen X peers, I was raised to be sensible. To work hard, get a good job, and be loyal to a company.
It was normal in the 90's and early 2000's for people to work for years at one company. 10 years of tenure was average (in Australia receiving your 10 year long service holiday actually happened!)
Then in the 2000's digital technology created new tech-based companies and restructures became the norm as all companies had to reinvent. Jobs kept changing, structures kept changing (still do!) and suddenly people were forced to reinvent. The world of work had changed, so had the rules.
Reinvention was all around. Reinvention was required. Adapt or die.
The beauty of this?
What can start as a shock can become something you love.
In the last 7 years I've gone from a corporate redundancy to consulting, to entrepreneur, to best-selling author and thought leader. I've been through even more change and growth personally.
I've dabbled, I've learnt and I've got clear on what I love. Not just what is in front of me, but what I can create.
I turn 50 later this year. I see it as stepping into "my time". I've never before been clearer on what's important to me. I've never before been as knowledgeable and personally capable.
My point?
Reinvention is something we can choose. Not just when required. But when desired.
All you need is the courage and commitment to start.
Every week I talk with people my age who are feeling unhappy or not sure of what's next. Many have convinced themselves that it's sensible and smarter to "bridge to retirement."
You have reinvented businesses. You can reinvent yourself.
At "50ish" you have never been wiser or smarter. You have never been more ready and resilient.
What are you waiting for?