Gender Pay Gap

Mar 12, 2024

There is transparency in the GENDER PAY GAP in Australia. If you want to see the latest data for yourself - it is all here.

Stated simply, for every $1.00 a man gets paid, a woman gets paid $0.78c for the same job. 

I know there are many factors. I know much of this may be from "old systems" or unconscious bias. I know this is not what many individuals believe is right. I know others will be disappointed by this (and for the women wondering what gap currently exists for them). This will be disheartening to a lot of people.

But that's the reality, and it's a real problem to fix. 
I have 2 beautiful, talented daughters who will be entering the workforce within the next few years. Women often face bias in progression and promotion opportunities. And many employers don't offer promotions for employees in part-time roles, which skews strongly to women

I don't want them to have fewer opportunities because of cultural stereotypes, lack of flexibility or bias. 

On the upside, there is no reason for this to continue when we know, and have the ability to make changes. Knowing there is "probably some type of gap" is different to seeing it in black and white, and being able to measure strategies to close it.

When it's laid out in data - there can be no excuses. Only action. Learnings. Improvement.

I'm going to start by doing my part. 

I have deep expertise in capability - defining and developing skills that demonstrate knowledge, skills and experience. 

Capability frameworks provide a fair way to assess people - and making promotions fair. They prevent bias, by setting a clear criteria for how people can be fairly assessed and merit based pay increases are given - with opportunities for full time and part time.

We can't reverse what is. But we can do better moving forward. 
Let's be better together.