What are you grateful for?

Apr 09, 2024

What are you most grateful for when hard things are confronting you, and it’s not following “that plan” you have in your head?

It’s actually part of our stress response to go into our mind - ruminating on what went wrong and catastrophising how it can get even worse.

Life experience has taught me though that many others are dealing with situations more challenging than the ones I'm ruminating over. They could be facing the saddest of situations or the most heartbreaking events. Some even may be in challenging situations that become their ongoing reality. 

Which make my problems in the context of theirs look like a holiday! My problems are not to be discounted (they are still difficult and mine), but many others are doing it even tougher.

When we stay in our own heads - the only context we have to compare to is our own. When we step beyond our own circumstances and appreciate a bigger picture - we suddenly see how much we have to be grateful for.

For loving family
Supportive friends 
Valuable resources 
Most importantly - good health to figure it out tomorrow (or the day after that)

Problems grow in our head not because they are necessarily bigger, but because they have no reference or anchor in a broader reality. 

So if you are feeling overwhelmed with your own problems - ask someone else about theirs. Go and volunteer with community groups. Give back. Spend time with others. 

Not only will it take your mind off your own problems, you may discover they are not that big after all, and you are blessed beyond belief.