I need help

personal growth May 23, 2023

Asking for help is something I find quite hard.

I'm actually better at asking for the crumble and completely fall apart kind of help (those extreme moments) as it's a given that of course you need help then. But the day-to-day small things - well I'm not so good.

For example, I've had a button that needs sewing on my shirt that I've been meaning to do for....ohhh....easily the last 9 months.

This is one of my favourite shirts...perfect for going to meetings where you want to look professional - but not too formal. It's a shirt that I really love - because it's colourful but subtle. Pretty but professional. Tailored but comfortable.

I feel good in this shirt.

The button would literally take 3 minutes to sew. But tonight along with all the normal stuff (dinner, school lunches, bills, laundry, pets and school admin) I'm also helping my daughter Charley record a podcast for her school assignment - due tomorrow (of course). I'm also finishing a presentation to be delivered to a board tomorrow (of course).

So I asked Roxy my youngest daughter who is great at sewing if she felt like doing me a favour. She was snuggled on the couch with the cat. She looked up and said "not really". Which was honest. She was cozy and comfortable - and did not want to move.

Mentally I started to calculate when I could fit in the button sewing (maybe while waiting for the kettle to boil while making a cup of tea?) but then I stopped.

This was a small thing. But I needed some help if this button was ever going to end up on my favourite shirt. It hadn't made it to the "must-do" evening priority list for 9 months - because something else always comes up. And sometimes I just run out of steam.

So I turned back to Roxy and said "Sweetheart - I need help to get this button sewn on tonight. I'm busy doing all these other things, so I need your help. Can you please help me with this."

And she did.

Asking for help is not a weakness. It's a strength.

But we become highly trained to juggle an endless number of balls - which leads to a default mindset that "I'll just add it to the list". It's that famous saying "if you need something done, ask a busy person"

And so we forget to ask.

I need help.

3 simple words, which turn a favour into empathy, love and support.

So don't forget to ask - whether it's the big, scary, "who knows what will happen" help. Or whether it's to sew on a little button.

Help is often there. If we remember to ask. And let people know we need help - even with the little things

p.s This picture is with my now wearable fav shirt - in all its button glory!