
personal growth Jul 27, 2023

About a month ago I invested in a meditation weekend program.

I had dabbled in the past (with apps and the like), but had not really committed or made it into a habit; despite being aware of the many benefits it offers. After all - it improves your health. It helps you be present. It increases concentration and creativity. There are just so many positives!

So I decided to give it a proper go - to see if it's something that I want to build into my life as a regular practice, or just let it go.

3 weeks in - and it's quite remarkable.

I have been meditating for 40 minutes a day (20 minutes in the morning, and 20 minutes in the evening). The first week it was an effort, and something I had to force myself to do. But by the second week - it was quite pleasant. In my third week - it's something I look forward to.

It struck me that life balance (or that elusive thing we all strive for) is actually mind balance.

Just taking 20 minutes to be still, and step away from the "full throttle" to-do list makes a huge difference. While we find the constant disruption of technology and working around the clock "normal" - it isn't. It leaves our brains and bodies wired.

Which is why when you first start meditating it feels hard. I would get an itchy nose, or a sore back or suddenly need to go to the bathroom! My body and mind was saying "don't stop - keep going". But as I started to "unlearn" this frenetic wired way of being and relearn how to just pause, and be still - my body and mind began to enjoy it.

The more I do it, the more I'm enjoying it. Rather than it being a chore, it's now a reward. And while I am still a novice - I'm looking forward to all the benefits that come from this. Already I've replaced my 2.30pm "post-lunch lull" with meditation - and it is way more effective!

So if you are like me - and know of all the benefits but haven't yet given it a proper go, then I encourage you too!

What have you got to lose? Or more aptly - what have you got to gain?