Midlife Quest?

Feb 22, 2024

Are you mulling the idea of a mid-life quest?

Something to shake things up? 
That will challenge and push you out of your comfort zone?
Something that will lighten the "same as usual" daily grind?

We can feel it in our gut when we are shifting into a possibility energy. This is when we notice the seeds of excitement - of new exploration and discovery. When we start to daydream and imagine what could be.

This is actually a signal that you are ready to grow. That you are yearning for something different, something new, something that will stretch you.

The thing I love about a possibility energy is that it's playful. It's light, effervescent, spirited and bubbly. 

It's FUN!!!!

It's that earlier stage of personal change (before uncertainty, imposter syndrome or fear may kick in), when you are not taking yourself too seriously. It's an energy that sparks curiosity, as you stretch beyond the known to the unknown and begin to experiment with the shape of new things. 

The more you fan the sparks of possibility, the more they burst into flame! 

I call my program "Uncomfortable Growth®" because change has many uncomfortable parts. But there are also the exhilarating positive energies - like possibility, which are buoyant, zesty and delightful. 

It's when you throw different balls in the air to just see what lands. When you are open and the universe responds by pouring new options at your feet. 

When you get that little adrenaline kick because what could be, is exciting to think about. To dream about. To then take tiny steps to transform this vague idea into something tangible and real.

A quest is a commitment to possibility. To travel new paths - because you can. I think mid-life quests are the most exhilarating because you are fusing experience and excitement. The wisdom of what you already know, with the possibility of what's next. The more you explore, the more vivid possibilities become, and what was just a fleeting thought can become a whole new chapter.

If you are feeling the pull of possibility, then act on it. It's your inner being saying you are ready.....so let's go! Life is too short and unpredictable - so don't put it off. Trust your gut - it knows the secrets of your head and heart. 

Do you have a mid-life quest? Are you ready?