Monster Melting Spray

personal growth Aug 08, 2023

I remember when my daughters were little, and they were petrified of monsters coming to "get them" at night while they were sleeping.

It didn't matter how many times I checked in the wardrobe and under the bed. They were absolutely sure they were there, and if I couldn't catch them, then it was because they were REALLY GOOD at hiding (in fact it proved they were still there!)

Nothing I could say or do would convince them otherwise.  They KNEW the monsters were there. They KNEW the monsters were coming to get them.

So I developed "Monster Melting Spray".

Inspired by the Disney movie The Spiderwick Chronicles our "Monster Melting Spray" would melt any monster instantly!

Plus, if you sprayed it on children they would be protected from monsters all night. Even the biggest, ugliest monster couldn't get near a child sprayed with Monster Melting Spray.

As you may have guessed - this life-saving Monster Melting Spray was actually a coloured spray bottle with water and essential oils inside (it made the room smell great as well!)

Monsters were so established as real in my children's minds, that I couldn't convince them otherwise. The only way anyone was ever going to get some sleep again was to convince them that Monsters could be melted.

As adults, we are not that different. We believe different things. And that's okay. What frustrates me though is when people jump to judgement (different is wrong or worse) rather than stepping into someone else's shoes with empathy to understand and appreciate a different perspective.

The world isn't black and white. It's full of shades of grey. If we explore we can often find a place of common ground that we can all accept and live with. A place that moves us forward and creates a bridge.

Like the Monster Melting Spray. Perhaps we all need some?