Multiple contradictions

Feb 20, 2024

Do you have multiple contradictions within you?

I was having a conversation with my eldest daughter Charley. She was questioning the motivations of a person in her friend circle. She couldn't decide what it was. It was making her reflect as their behaviours were very contradictory.

Without thinking I responded "I think they can coexist - even when they are contradictory. Don't think "OR", think "AND". 

In other words, it's not black OR white. Grey is made up of black AND white.

I find there are many contradictory "ANDs" within myself. Some are obvious and funny (of course I want a SKIM Iced Coffee with EXTRA cream and ice cream) but others are deep within and nuanced, built on a sophisticated values and experience-based algorithm in my head and heart that I'm often not even aware of. 

Sometimes it catches me off guard. How I thought I would react in a situation, may be completely different to what I actually do. 

Sometimes I disappoint myself.
Sometimes I delight myself.
Often I surprise myself.

The point is we are all deeply nuanced and incredibly complicated individuals. Each person is literally well beyond any form of AI the world has ever created. We are each the original. AI follows rules. We constantly create and break them. We learn and evolve.

Unlike animals, only humans can override their reactions and choose different behaviours. We can learn what is happening within, and change it. We can override ourselves.

That's why when you spend time knowing yourself. You can grow yourself. 

Don't only be dazzled by what is out in the world. Be in awe of what is within you.