Apr 27, 2023
Clay Gill said to me today that parenting is an intense form of leadership training.
I have to agree! As I thought about it more, I decided this was such a relevant, interesting and relatable idea , that I would make a list....
So here is a start!
- Guide and coach
- Invest time in their development
- Influence them (planting endless seeds, hoping some will sprout)
- Earn respect (sometimes its a battle!)
- Provide clear boundaries
- Reinforce same clear boundaries
- Show we care, but give direct feedback
- Take on feedback (whether we ask for it or not!)
- Navigate constant change and ambiguity
- Share our vision
- Communicate, communicate, communicate
- Address poor behaviours
- Share our values
- Drive accountability
- Pivot and innovate
- Listen
- Be there, when things go wrong
- Give them space to sometimes fail so they learn
- Encourage and support
- Show empathy
- Have hard conversations
- Advocate for their needs
- And if all else fails - renegotiate!
Despite our best efforts, we don't always get it right.
But like in the workplace - genuine intention always matters more than perfection.
It's being in the arena, and giving it a red-hot go that counts. Showing up - even when you don't really know what you are doing.
Which is why I love the quote by Maya Angelou:
"Do the best you can until you know better.
Then when you know better, do better".