Perfection Cycle
Sep 28, 2022
Perfectionism is not directly talked about, but inadvertently worn as a badge of honour in the corporate world.
It often goes hand in hand with high performance. A person who sets high standards. Who works harder than most - to over-deliver. The person you can count on to get difficult jobs done - on impossible timelines.
Perfectionism is a psychological drive. The core driver though is the belief that "you are what you achieve".
Like all things, a little bit can serve you. Too much perfectionism though can harm you.
Perfectionism is also exhausting. Once the subconscious mind has made the connection between achieving and self-worth - then it can be relentless.
There is always more to do. More to achieve.
If work feels chaotic and out of control it can trigger high levels of stress and anxiety. So you do whatever is required to succeed - even if it affects your health. Even if it affects other parts of your life.
When you do succeed you get that endorphin hit. But it lasts only for a few moments. A day if you are lucky.
Because then there is a new mountain in front. And behind that sits a whole mountain range. You only feel as successful as your last project / presentation / promotion (fill in your own words).
This is why there is a high correlation between perfectionism and burnout. Failure is not an option (because subconsciously that means you are a failure).
If you stop achieving - you will lose self esteem. You will go backwards. Become less.
If this sounds like you, then it's time to pause. Take a deep breath. And recognise this is the perfectionism talking.
You are more than what you achieve. You are enough. But there is work to be done for your subconscious to believe this.
Before you burn yourself out.