Perfectly Imperfect Mums
May 14, 2024
Mother's Day is always something to look forward to!
In my house, it starts with coffee being brought to me in bed by my 2 beautiful daughters. This is followed by an inevitable banging in the kitchen, arguments over who is doing what - before I'm treated with a tray full of hot croissants, jam and butter!
We all get to snuggle in bed, while "sharing" my croissants (they know now to bring 4 - one for each of us!). Even the dog and cat jump on the bed - happy to vacuum up the many crumbs!
I've always been passionate about having a career AND children. I know I am a much better mother for working - I find both challenging, rewarding, and meaningful. I am incredibly lucky to be fulfilled on both fronts.
Being "career parents" though is really challenging for the whole family.
- My husband David Morgan fully shares the load. I had to learn though how to let him do it his way - and not expect him to do it EXACTLY how I would (our children can always tell who has made the lunchboxes! His are generally better)
- There is always a plan A, B, and C. Because with multiple logistics, things fall through the cracks. You have to "live optimise" on the go. Frequently. So far, we have all survived.
- I gave up "perfectionist-based expectations". I'm a well below-average cook. I tell everyone. That way, people coming over know not to expect much if I'm cooking (my best dish is compiling a cheese / grazing board as there is no cooking!). But I'm great if they want some business advice!
- I outsource household chores where I can. The benefit of having 2 careers is 2 solid incomes. It's worth investing that back into household support for the sanity of everyone. I want to spend my weekends with my family, not doing chores
- I'm not always able to attend every "school event". I get to the critical things, but all those additional "community" events I just can't make, so I don't try. But I APPRECIATE those mums who do, and who go above and beyond by reminding you of all the extra things on the class group chats. Without them - I would be dropping the "school ball" more often.
I'm writing this, because being a great mother, does not require you to be a perfect mother. It requires you to be present when it counts - with your family.
It also means so much when my daughters tell me they admire me for working. My youngest jokingly calls me "Mum Boss" (usually when she is trying to ask me something and I'm on a call).
There is no "perfect way" to be a mother today - just imperfect people - doing their best.
This Mother's Day, I would like to celebrate the "Perfectly Imperfect Mums" who juggle more balls than they can feasibly catch (and the supportive partners standing alongside them - juggling as well).
Enjoy the croissant - and the crumbs in bed for days afterwards!