Personal vision board

personal growth Mar 26, 2024

Have you ever created a personal vision board?

It's not just about creating a "quick wish list." It's a curation of what you truly want - from the collective wisdom of your head, heart and gut. 

My first one (about 3 years ago) took me a few weeks, and still felt blurry, as I was filling it in as "something I wanted to complete." Like a task, or a project. I had to create a "shitty first draft". To put something down that I could evolve from.

Once I had that, it became so much easier to see and articulate each piece. I became better at translating what I was feeling into pictures and words. 

My vision board also highlighted connections across multiple elements(I break mine into "Self, Career, Family, Contribution" quadrants), which I didn't realise were there. It also helped me see where I needed boundaries, or where there were contradictions.

The real magic though is in its power to unlock the universe. By articulating your deep and honest desires, you bring them into your conscious mind and freely into the world. You create energy behind your intent. You suddenly see new possibilities that create opportunities which move you closer to your vision. Your energy suddenly attracts the people who can help you. 

- When you commit, you shift. 
- When you act, you create. 
- When you connect - the universe moves too.

Now I update my vision board continuously, as new possibilities click into place. It's a living, breathing reflection of who I am today, and who I aspire to be tomorrow - through my intent, my priorities and actions. 

And it's exciting! It's a way of putting my dreams into practice. It's a window into what my soul aches for. 

Do you have a vision board? 
What are your dreams - for you?