Oct 18, 2022
In a world where we have so much to do, productivity easily becomes an obsession.
Of course, it's wonderful to fit so much in, and live a full life. I love working, being a wife/mum/daughter/sister, going to the gym, catching up with friends, going to live shows, or just reading a book.
The freedom to do so many things is not taken for granted - especially after COVID.
Each of these things on its own is valuable and enjoyable.
But it's also easy to become focused on doing too much.
And falling into the trap that more is better.
Even in every day tasks, my brain constantly scans for productivity hacks.
I have 4 computer screens and 3 browsers open all the time (and its really frustrating when I'm offsite with only 1 screen!)
I keep tweezers in my car so I can pluck my eyebrows at traffic lights!
HYBRID working has given flexibility, but its also added to the multitasking / productivity obsession.
In my head I calculate (and know) the exact time it takes to get household chores done in between zoom meetings. It takes EXACTLY
- 2 minutes to feed both pets
- 3 minutes to put on a load of laundry
- 5 minutes to take out the garbage (sorted into the correct recyclables of course!)
- 8 minutes to make lunch, a coffee and reload the dishwasher.
So now I'm running a household while at work.
Which is good in some ways, but bad in other ways.
Neuroscience has proven that our brains are neuroplastic, and can be rewired. The more we do something, the stronger the wiring and the more unconscious it becomes.
Which is why we need to be intentional with balance and taking time out. Just enjoying the sunshine. Eating slowly - to enjoy the flavor. 15 minutes of joy patting the dog or cat.
Little things that are not "output" productive, but joy-giving. That make me smile.
And grateful for all that I have.
Today is Friday. My "to-do" list is still a mile long. Not because I wasn't productive this week, but because it is just realistically too long.
My brain needs a rest. I need to give it one.
Because more isn't necessarily better. And productivity is only productive if it brings you more - and makes your life better.
That's the real life hack!