Push or Pull

people growth Nov 07, 2023

Recently I've been exploring how to play with my energy.

From pushing forward with high effort, to just letting things unfold. 

I've always been disciplined. Full of focus and action. Goals. Plans. Ambitions.

And that has taken me to some wonderful places.

But when doing and pushing becomes the norm, and the next mountain to climb (much like the last) feels just like another mountain, it makes you question - why am I doing this again? 

Does it need to be this way? 
What would happen if I changed it up?
How can I have less pushing. More flow and ease.

So I decided to try it. 

My intent: to be more in the moment. To ask for what I need (rather than planning how I could get what I needed). To let things unfold.

To feel the magnetic pull of where the universe wants me to be...and go. And to stop stepping in to redirect.

Less effort. More possibility. More fun.

Letting go of control. Enjoying the ride! 

Today I had breakfast with  Sarah Pendergast. It was an introduction from  David Morgan. I like to go to the gym in the mornings - as it positively sets my energy for the day ahead. Normally I would skip the gym for a breakfast meeting (I can't go to the gym and be showered and presentable without losing extra sleep! So the gym loses.) 

But I'm not pushing, I'm being. So I asked her if it would be OK to meet at 8.30pm - straight from the gym (post-workout crazy hair and all). When I got there, she had her dog. Our energy matched. We started chatting and the conversation and energy flowed. 

Its a really small example. The difference is subtle - but oh so significant. 

Climbing a mountain requires pushing against gravity. 
Sliding down the other side requires just going with it. 

They can both take you to an incredible place. But getting there is oh so different.

Can you guess the next stage of my experiment?