Reinvention is a journey

personal growth Apr 25, 2023

Reinvention is "the act of producing something new based on something that already exists."

It's where the old informs the new, but with a twist.

The result: it's different, and familiar. Known and yet unrelated.

Reinvention creates a new horizon of growth.

As people, we have the ability to reinvent ourselves.
But we get stuck trying to figure out the perfect solution.

What part do we keep? What part do we change?

This job?
This relationship?
This situation?

No? Maybe? Yes?

There are so many variables and permutations that it can feel overwhelming. Too hard. Too risky.

Which is why reinvention comes down to DOING (not thinking).

Take an action. See what happens. Take the next action.

Reinvention isn't one step. It's an iterative process. Where we learn what we want to keep, and throw out the rest that doesn't fit.

Think about it.

- Amazon started as a book retailer, not an e-commerce giant
- Madonna started as a dancer, not a global icon.
- JK Rowling started writing as a struggling mother, not as the most famous 20th century author.

Reinvention is about the journey. It's what happens along the way.

So don't overthink it. Just get started. And see what fits.

You can always change it up if you don't like it. Or keep going if you love it!

p.s I went glamping this last weekend. Now this is a reinvention I can get behind!