Role Model

people growth Aug 29, 2023

It always stands out when a leader is not only brilliant, but also genuinely thoughtful, kind and considerate in all their interactions. A person who authentically models servant leadership.

I had a genuine experience of this over the last 2 weeks. Not just in one interaction, but literally every interaction.

Here is my first-hand experience:

My first experience:

I misread my calendar for our first meeting (I do need glasses!) I thought it said a 10 a.m. video call when it ended up being 9.30 am. I realised this at 9.40 am! My hair was knotted and dripping wet (not yet presentable!) when I realised my mistake....with my heart pounding at my error, I jumped on the call - expecting her to be gone, but instead she was still there. As I apologised profusely she smiled and kindly assured me not to worry - we are all human, and honestly not to say another word about it.

We then had a great call, covering lots of ground, and she kindly stayed online an extra 10 minutes. I was very grateful for her graciousness given the stuff up was all mine (and yes, I am still mildly embarrassed!)

My second experience:
I asked her what she would prefer as a thank-you gift. This is the actual note I received.

"Rowena - that is very kind but totally unnecessary. I am happy to be part.
But if you still want to send something, feel free to send a self-care hamper to my wonderful EA instead. She deserves it for her incredible efforts."

I was impressed by her thoughtfulness for her EA. It's one thing to say "thanks but no need", another to remember to recognise someone else instead. I'm sure her EA feels seen and appreciated.

My third experience:
I gave her a copy of my book when we met at the function, and she asked if she could buy it (so thoughtful). She looked me in the eye and said she looked forward to reading it. As an author, you know many people will appreciate the gift of a book, but probably only 20% will actually read it. It's just how the numbers roll - we are all busy. I know I have a pile of "still to be read" books next to my bed.

To my surprise and delight, I received this email today.
PS - the book is great! Thank you again for a copy.

Trust and respect is built in small moments. The only interactions I have had with this person were small. Unimportant versus her day job. In fact, our meeting happened as she was doing the industry a favour. But in every interaction she was thoughtful, considerate, gracious and kind - as well as SMART.

Actions speak louder than words.
So much to learn from this role model.