Silly Season
Dec 06, 2022
It's that time of year when we feel we are limping to the finish.
The calendar has clicked over from November into December.
The school year is almost done.
The shops are packed with gifts, parcels and festive promotions.
Everyone is counting down the days until Xmas and hopefully a nice relaxing holiday.
However before we all get there - it first has to go through the December "silly season" where extra things get jammed in!
- Budgets that were previously cut suddenly reappear (with the caveat it needs to be spent by Dec 30)
- Planning meetings (to get a fast start for 2023) suddenly appear in calendars.
- Programs happening in the background suddenly need to be urgently finalised.
On top of that - there is Xmas shopping, Xmas parties, school presentations, community events, neighborhood drinks (add your +100 December events here!)
It's no wonder December can feel like a blur. And we feel like collapsing before the end!
It's like running the last few kilometres in a marathon, before getting across the finish line.
Which is why I'm trying something different this year.
This December, I'm practicing "less is more"
- less food and drink to excess
- less "over and above" activities (my favourite suggestion is "when are you free in February?")
- less feeling obligated to do everything.
I'm not particularly good at this. In fact, I would say I'm terrible at this. But if I don't try something new, then I won't get better.
And reality is I can say no to many things. The drive to say yes is in my own mind - to tick off my list for 2022.
So, this December - I'm looking to enjoy it. By not doing everything. But enjoying the things I choose to do.
And remembering to be grateful for the year that been and celebrate what is meaningful.
What is your December looking like? Do you need a "less is more" December? Do you want to join me?