Simple Smart

Jul 17, 2024

One of the things I love doing is creating "simple smart" frameworks that.... 

Just. Make. Sense. 

They help people recognise a deep truth. To stop. To think differently. To change. To grow.

One of my favourites is 2 circles showing our "small self" and "best self." Its disarmingly simple. Everyone nods when I share it.

That's because THE TRUTH is:

- We all have a small self and best self
- They consist of emotions and feelings. 
- We shift constantly between both. Everyday.
- Our small self is a stronger, biological wiring. 
- It's hard living with and navigating both. 

In the workplace, in social media, and across our lives we constantly project our "best self", while praying that no one sees our "small self." We suppress it and repress it. That leads to feeling like an imposter. And very lonely. 

If we don't acknowledge and learn from our most difficult feelings, then how will we ever build self-awareness and self-regulation? 

THE FACT: You need to know yourself. To grow yourself. 

We all need to know the insecure, scared, uncertain, vulnerable "small self" parts. As well as the talented, inspiring, courageous, brilliant "best self" parts.

That is how you learn to manage your small self - AND to be your best self more often. That is what Uncomfortable Growth® is all about. That is the bigger game. 

It's a simple framework. But the learning, insight, and application is profound. For how you show up. For what you do with your life. 

This is just a small part of what Uncomfortable Growth® covers. But it's the foundation. We cover this in the first session. (So imagine what we cover in the next 5 sessions!!!!)

If you want to do the real, self-work, with a group of other, potentially nervous 🙄 but brave and open humans 🤗 - then please come to a FREE information session. 

I want you to see the Uncomfortable Growth® process is 
- intelligent (like you.). It's not "woo woo." 
- It integrates psychology, neuroscience, biology and a lot of common sense. 
- It's honest, challenging and exciting.

It's also something only you can do - for you.

So I'll be there - to chat in person. 
Don't let your small self hold you back. 
Let's do this!