The Daily Choice

personal growth Mar 28, 2024

I had a wonderful conversation with  Rose Herceg today recording an episode for my Uncomfortable Growth® podcast (coming very soon!)

She highlighted how every day we have a choice: to be grateful, or miserable.
The context can be the same - but our reaction is always a choice.

The "stimulus reaction choice" is a fundamental model of free will that most people in the business world are well acquainted with. 

But how often do we really own it? 

Do we let our circumstances dictate our mindset, or do we choose our mindset regardless of our circumstances? 

How do we build the discipline, integrity and intention to consciously over-ride what we may be feeling (especially if its a particularly hard time or really crappy day) and choose to be grateful regardless?

- for the hardships
- for the heart-ache
- for the difficult lessons
- for the loss

It takes practice. It takes will power. It takes reflection. And sometimes a tough conversation with ourselves in the mirror!

It was a wonderful reminder that while we may be victims of circumstance, and deserve compassion, we are not victims of life. 

That is a fresh choice that we get to make everyday.