What is your change capacity?

Mar 14, 2024

People have an enormous capacity for long-term change. It's why as a species we have survived. As extreme changes happen - we either adapt and thrive (or die). 

Within this though, our CAPACITY for CHANGE fluctuates day by day. 

Change is not one thing. It's many things. So our capacity depends on what else we have happening in our lives that we are simultaneously dealing with.
Perhaps there are changes already happening in 
- our relationships
- our jobs
- our families
- our health
- our finances
- ourselves

Change triggers uncertainty and anxiety about the future. It is our brain saying "What will happen to me, am I going to be OK?" When we have multiple waves of change happening simultaneously, the uncertainty can compound - and our capacity to cope is reduced. We can become overwhelmed.

That's because we are all human - with FINITE capacity. 

It's critical we understand and manage our daily CHANGE CAPACITY, recognising that most change is not in our control. We need to always have some "spare capacity". 

I like to think of change capacity as a glass.

When our glass is half full - there is plenty of space to absorb extra liquid. We have spare capacity.

When our glass is already full though, it means there is no space for any more liquid. If more change comes pouring down, it will spill and slosh over the edges of the glass, making a mess. 

So how do we manage our change capacity?

There are only 3 ways to do this:

1. Reduce the liquid already in your glass: 
This is where we take action to reduce change uncertainty. For eg, if you are made redundant, then start looking for and find a new job. 

2. Don't fill your glass to the top:
Learn to say no. This is hard, as we often "want" to do extra, but we forget to consider our own finite capacity - and we over-extend ourselves. This is the one I am most guilty of! 

3. Make your glass 20% bigger:
By improving our ability to cope with change uncertainty through active well-being - such as exercise, meditation, socialisation and self-care. 

Change accumulates visibly over time - but change happens day by day. Our ability to change over time is incredible, but our daily capacity is finite, and it fluctuates based on what else we have going on in our whole life.

The challenge for most of us is that we are running already with our glasses full. As we gulp the liquid, it is filled up with more. There is always a chance of spillage. We are then so exhausted that we are too tired to invest in making our glass bigger, and then we feel guilty for being exhausted and over-commit.

When our glass is full, doing more is not the answer. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed, then look at your own "glass". What can you do to reduce the liquid, and make your glass bigger?