
personal growth May 09, 2023

I have to confess that I love creating new words that fuse existing words, to create new meaning from existing associations.

It happens when my mind is stimulated but relaxed. This is when I am most likely to find flow.

This happens occasionally after I been to the gym (as I am revelling in the exquisite taste of my "reward" coffee) or in the shower (the joy of hot steaming water on a cool winters day) or taking my dog Teddy for a walk (the beauty of nature and warmth of the sun)

Today the idea of wonder-osity just came to me.

This is a triple-meaning, made-up word: a combination of wonder, curiosity and generosity.

It merged from the symbiotic relationship I see between these elements which help to liberate new possibilities:

WONDER: the feeling of amazement, admiration or awe, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar

CURIOSITY: the deep desire to uncover, discover or learn

GENEROSITY: the virtue of being liberal in giving

Wonder-osity is that beautiful dream-like flow where you are inquisitive, fascinated and in sync with a universe of possibility.

Where you sit in a state of being and unfolding questions, rather than sharp definitive answers.

It's something that's playful and imaginative, creative and open.

Where co-creation is infinite

Wonder-osity is the wisdom and delight of unlearning and not knowing. Of energy and awe in what may unfold.

It's a place that's light, and easy and free.