FREE Scholarship

Are you ready to reinvent YOU?

NEXT INTAKE:  Aug 16 2024!

Reinvention rarely feels like reinvention at the start. 

It starts with what I call "the Squirm" - that feeling in your gut that something isn't quite right.  A sense of frustration, unease or just being stuck.
These uncomfortable feelings - while exhausting - are also a sign you are ready to evolve and become more.
 They are a sign you are ready - to reinvent you!
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 Reinvention is about new choices - that serve us. 


Choices change - like us. 

Sometimes what inspired and fulfilled us previously now leaves us bored or feeling frustrated and stuck.  

That's why we need to ask ourselves the 4 questions.  So we can reflect on what we want to keep, AND what we need to change to activate new inspiration, challenges and growth.

The answer is actually inside you. 

Are you ready to ask the right questions and unlock your next chapter?

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Choose growth, not regret


There is always a litany of reasons to stay as is. 

Money, time, responsibilities, keeping family harmony, the risk - the list of why we shouldn't explore new options is endless.  But the biggest regret of people looking back on their lives, is that they didn't live a life true to themselves.  They didn't give it a go.  

As conscious beings, we all have a choice. To lean into growth, or reminisce with regret.

Only you know what fulfills you.  Only you can take action.  Only you can turn trials into triumph.


But I can help you with how.

Join me.  To create your next chapter.

Sign up now!

The journey creates your destination.


Being ready for growth, doesn't mean you know what it looks like. Yet.

The Uncomfortable Growth® journey is about defining what you truly want, with proven tools and frameworks (grounded in psychology and neuroscience) to identify what's holding you back, AND then unlock the courage and conviction to create the life you now want. 

 The journey creates your destination. 


The 8 week program will give you the space and clarity to explore & choose what YOU WANT

We get disconnected from ourselves because we are so busy doing. It feels too hard to change things while we have no space, no clarity and no solution.  Fear keeps us small by coming up with all the things which we could lose, or leave us worse off

But what if that didn't need to be true?  What if you could learn the proven way to reconnect with yourself, get unstuck and create a new path?

What have you got to gain?


Download Dates & Program

Each person in the Uncomfortable Growth® – Own Your Reinvention program receives:


1.  A free hard copy of the bestselling book Uncomfortable Growth® - Own Your Reinvention

2.  6 weeks of live online classes to guide your personal reinvention journey, moving you from "stuck" to "clear" - with the clarity and conviction to now make it real.

3.  Coaching throughout the program directly from Rowena - one of Australia’s most respected executive coaches and experts in reinvention.

4.  All of the frameworks and tools to develop your own Reinvention Plan

5. A dedicated support partner for the 6 weeks - who you can bounce ideas off and share advice with

6. A nurturing small group environment where you are inspired by real people successfully reinventing themselves too!


You will also be strengthening critical life skills:

  • Self Awareness:  understanding holistically your strengths and triggers
  • Self Regulation: how do you reframe uncertainties and fears, so you can operate as your best self, more often  
  • Adaptability and Resilience:  How do you embrace uncertainty as a source of growth, not overwhelm.  
  • Ownership and Accountability:  for taking action and owning your own growth and development
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Rowena is a global expert in growth & reinvention - for businesses and people. 


As a consultant, trainer, speaker, mentor and 2x best-selling author, Rowena is renowned for providing “accessible wisdom” where growth possibilities are transformed into capabilities that unleash new growth. 

Her leading-edge knowledge across business, people and organisational leadership has helped many of the world's biggest brands transform and reinvent themselves in the digital age.

As the author of “Uncomfortable Growth® – Own Your Reinvention”, Rowena helps thousands of leaders navigate career and life crossroads to turn trials into triumph and create their next chapter.  

“Your greatest growth comes from what is most challenging & uncomfortable



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